Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving and Porscha's first solids

This Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. We went to Matt's parents house and enjoyed the holiday with his family. I wasn't able to get many pictures, but I do have these ones of Porscha in a box :)

This was Lori's idea on how to help her learn to sit up. Yay for boxes.

Post turkey :) Matt loves his little girl

Here she is having her first meal. She didn't want to sit still for pictures so they are all blurry. She loved the cereal but had a hard time keeping it in her mouth. All you other parents out there will know what I mean. It was so cute!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Halloween and Other Things

This year's halloween was SO MUCH FUN! Matt bought a gas mask and wanted to wear it for his costume this year; so I told him that I could come up with something to match it. It took me two hours to make a costume for Porscha, and it turned out great.

Not bad huh?

They won first place for funniest costume :)
The only problem is that I have set my standards on costumes quite high and I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it again.

Other Things:She has learned to sit up on her own. YAY! Crawling is only a few months away... yikes

This is what her dad does with her. Who knows what crazy things she learns about when I'm gone :) At least he doesn't let her drink it, yet.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Our little girl is growing so fast!

Porscha is four months old, but it seems like just yesterday that I was blessed to have her. She is still doing great and is learning new things every day.

She has chosen a favorite finger: the thumb (not a shocker). Hopefully the habit ends at an appropriate age... although we are already saving for braces.

She loves hanging out in the 'exersaucer' that her Grandma Schroeder is letting her borrow.

She also has found her feet. I hear that means sitting up is just around the corner. But when your 4 months old, what isn't just around the corner?

She also learned how to roll over... so much for tummy time :)

We are so grateful to have our beautiful baby girl and happy that she is doing so well. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support!

Friday, September 18, 2009

September... already!?

So it is now September and our little girl is growing up so fast. She is three and a half months old and is doing great!

She now fits into the first outfit that Matt and I bought for her. Fitting, isn't it?

I've also broadened my selection of girly outfits for her and am trying to make her look all cute with the hairband. It's still a bit big I guess.

Porscha loves to hang out with dad... he lets her drive cars... parked cars to be specific...

... and mini excavators :) LOOK MOM... NO HANDS!!!

We recently went to the fair. It was a lot of fun to watch her smile at all the new things (I didn't let her near any animals because of the petting zoo experience a month ago; maybe next year). I was trying to make it look like that pumpkin was going to eat her, but it didn't work out... oh well, she's still cute!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Family Time

This last week I spent some time with my totally awesome sister-in-laws. We went to Thanksgiving Point for their two dollar Tuesday, and it was SO crowded... we ended up spending all our time at the petting zoo.

Porscha finally decided to wake up when we went on the wagon ride. Here she is with her Aunt Lily.

She doesn't look too excited about this wagon ride, but since it was free we just had to do it.

Lily got the camera and had a photo shoot with Porscha in her car seat. She is such a fun baby!

And here we are with Aunt Mercedes, Cousin Gabe, and one of the animals at the petting zoo. She wasn't too excited about that cow... it went to lick her but I got my arm in the way just in time. I can't say the same for Gabe; he got licked on the face... twice :)

Here is Porscha chillin with her dad. She loves to spend time with him!

She has discovered her hands! I am so happy that she has found them, but they seem to always be in her mouth... I tell her several times a day that the binki goes in the mouth, not the hand (wouldn't it be nice if she could understand?)

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 2009

So many things have happened this week. On Sunday Matt blessed our baby. It was a beautiful blessing and we had a great time sharing the experience with our friends and family. Her dress was made by Matt's mom and Porscha looked beautiful in it.

We also went camping this week, which was a totally different experience than camping without a baby. We had a great time and hopefully we'll be able to do it again!

Porscha was 23 inches long in this picture... that's a really big leaf.

Here we are by the creek that ran next to our campsite. She kept staring at the leaves.

She loved that stick. Matt got it for her on one of their nature walks. She had a hard time just sitting at the campsite and so we would have to get up every so often and walk around with her. It made eating together difficult.

Here she is staring at the camp fire we made. She was like that for the longest time. So it turns out that fire entertains her... if only we had known this sooner :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Life as a mom

Our little girl keeps me busy all day long... and then into the night. She is so much fun and I love being her mom! Thankfully she is still happy and healthy.

One of her favorite things to do is, of course, sleep. It amazes me how she can sleep anywhere; if only I could do that.

Her other favorite thing is taking a bath. It will be even more fun when she is old enough to play with her bath toys, but until then I have fun playing with them for her :)